
Abraxas has existed since immemorial times and has been present among many mythologies, pantheons and religions throughout time and up to this date no one really knows His true origin; however, it is not His origin that left an indelible print in the history of human beliefs and deities, it was His transcendent duality, the unfathomable characteristic to represent good and evil.

“There is a God about whom you know nothing, because men have forgotten him. We call him by his name: Abraxas. He is less definite than God or Devil. … Abraxas is activity: nothing can resist him but the unreal … Abraxas stands above the sun[-God] and above the devil If the Pleroma were capable of having a being, Abraxas would be its manifestation.”

“That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. Wherefore is Abraxas terrible.”

Source: Carl Jung’s 1916 book Seven Sermons to the Dead.

“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God’s name is Abraxas.”

Source: Hermann Hesse’s 1919 novel Demian.


Abraxas is a complex and ancient deity that has roots in various religious and philosophical traditions, particularly in Gnosticism and ancient Egyptian beliefs. The origins of Abraxas can be traced back to the Hellenistic period and gained prominence during the early Christian era.

  1. Gnosticism:

Gnosticism, an ancient religious movement that emerged in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE, played a significant role in the development of Abraxas. In Gnostic beliefs, Abraxas is considered a powerful and complex deity representing both good and evil, embodying the concept of unity and encompassing all opposites. The name “Abraxas” is often associated with numerical symbolism, where each letter corresponds to a numerical value.

  1. Ancient Egyptian Influence:

The origins of Abraxas can be traced to ancient Egypt, where composite creatures such as the god Serapis and other deity amalgamations were common. The concept of combining diverse attributes into a single deity likely influenced the creation of Abraxas as a composite being with features of various creatures.

  1. Judeo-Christian and Hellenistic Influence:

Abraxas incorporates elements from both Greek and Jewish mysticism. The name “Abraxas” is believed to be derived from Abrasax, a word that encompasses Greek letters representing different numerical values. The number 365, symbolizing the days of the year, is often associated with Abraxas, indicating a connection to solar and cosmic symbolism.


  1. Mithraic Influence:

Mithraism, an ancient mystery religion centered around the god Mithras, may have also influenced the concept of Abraxas. Mithras was often depicted slaying a bull, representing the triumph of light over darkness. This imagery aligns with the dualistic aspects present in the concept of Abraxas, where opposing forces are harmoniously combined.

  1. Influence on Hermeticism and the Occult:

Abraxas gained popularity and prominence in later centuries through the influence of Hermeticism and the occult. It became a symbol representing the unity of opposites, the cosmos, and the esoteric understanding of existence. The concept of Abraxas as a harmonizing force with both creative and destructive aspects found a place in various mystical and magical traditions.

Abraxas is a deity with historic origins in Gnosticism, influenced by ancient Egyptian beliefs, Hellenistic and Judeo-Christian mystical traditions, as well as elements of Mithraism. Its symbolism and significance evolved over time, gaining traction in Hermeticism and the occult, where it represents the integration of opposites and the underlying unity of all things.

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Abraxas is typically depicted as a composite being with various animal and human features. The most common representation of Abraxas is that of a creature with the body of a human or a rooster, the head of a lion or a cock, and sometimes with serpent legs or tails. Each of these elements carries symbolic significance:

  1. Human Body: The human body symbolizes rationality, intelligence, and spirituality, representing the higher aspects of existence.
  2. Lion’s Head: The lion’s head represents strength, courage, and the ferocity to overcome challenges. In some depictions, it may also symbolize the solar aspect.
  3. Rooster’s Head: The rooster’s head is often associated with vigilance, awakening, and the heralding of a new day. It can also symbolize the solar aspect, connecting to its association with the rising sun.
  4. Serpent Legs or Tails: The serpent aspect signifies wisdom, transformation, and the dualistic nature of existence, representing both creation and destruction.

Abraxas is often depicted with wings, emphasizing its transcendental and cosmic nature. Sometimes, the creature is shown holding a shield or a whip, signifying its control over the forces of creation and destruction.


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In addition to the physical attributes, Abraxas is frequently associated with numerical symbolism. The word “Abraxas” is made up of Greek letters, and each letter corresponds to a specific numerical value. The total numerical value of the letters in “Abraxas” often equates to 365, representing the days of the year and symbolizing the cosmic and cyclical nature of existence.

The imagery of Abraxas encapsulates a combination of diverse and contrasting elements, emphasizing unity, harmony, and the integration of opposites within the cosmos.

Following A Forgotten God

The concept of Abraxas, often associated with Gnostic and Hermetic traditions, represents a unique and complex deity that embodies both light and darkness, creation and destruction, order and chaos. Therefore, a religious path centered around Abraxas would be characterized by several key elements:

Balancing Dualities:

Followers of the Abraxasian path would seek to embrace and balance the dualistic nature of Abraxas. This means acknowledging and accepting both the constructive and destructive forces in life, recognizing that both are essential for the overall harmony and evolution of existence.

Spiritual Growth:

The religious path would emphasize spiritual growth and enlightenment as the ultimate goal. Followers would aim to transcend the limitations of the material world and gain a deeper understanding of the divine through meditation, contemplation, and self-discovery.

Mystical Practices:

Rituals and practices would be designed to facilitate direct mystical experiences and encounters with Abraxas. These may include meditation, invocations, and ceremonies that invite a direct connection with the deity.


Abraxas is often seen as a synthesis of various divine attributes, making syncretism a fundamental aspect of this religious path. Followers would be encouraged to draw inspiration and wisdom from various religious and philosophical traditions, integrating diverse beliefs into their practice.

Ethical Considerations:

While embracing the dualistic nature of Abraxas, followers would be encouraged to lead ethical lives. This might involve a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and moral choices, understanding that one’s actions contribute to the balance of light and dark.

Exploration of Knowledge:

Abraxas is often associated with knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, followers may place a significant emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge, seeking to understand the mysteries of existence, the cosmos, and the divine.

Community and Sharing:

The Abraxasian path may encourage community gatherings, where practitioners can come together to share their experiences, insights, and support one another on their spiritual journeys.

Artistic Expression:

Given Abraxas’s association with creativity, followers may express their devotion through various forms of art, music, and literature. These creative endeavors could be seen as a way to channel divine inspiration.


The duality of Abraxas is a central theme that would profoundly influence the religious path centered around this deity. Followers would view Abraxas as the embodiment of opposing forces in the universe, where both light and darkness, creation and destruction, order and chaos are intertwined and inseparable. This duality carries significant implications for the beliefs and practices of those on this path:

Balancing Dualities:

Followers would be encouraged to recognize the dual nature of reality in their daily lives. They would learn that light and darkness exist within each individual, and that balance between these forces is essential for harmony and spiritual growth. This means that embracing one’s own shadows and imperfections is as important as celebrating one’s virtues.

Consequences of Actions:

The path would emphasize the karmic repercussions of actions. Just as Abraxas symbolizes the interplay of creation and destruction, followers would understand that their actions have consequences that ripple through the universe. Acts of kindness contribute to the positive, creative aspect of Abraxas, while harmful actions align with the destructive aspect. This awareness would encourage ethical behavior and a sense of responsibility for one’s choices.

Moral Relativism:

Given Abraxas’s duality, this path might lean towards moral relativism. Followers would recognize that what may be considered virtuous or morally right in one context may not hold true in another. This perspective would lead to a non-judgmental stance toward others’ actions, as they too are navigating their own balance of dualities.

Acceptance of Impermanence:

The religious path would encourage acceptance of the impermanence of all things. Just as Abraxas embodies both creation and destruction, followers would understand that nothing in the material world is permanent. This perspective could lead to a sense of detachment from worldly attachments, emphasizing the importance of spiritual growth and connection with the divine.

Transcending Duality:

Ultimately, the path would guide followers toward transcending the duality symbolized by Abraxas. This could involve practices aimed at unifying the opposing forces within themselves, seeking to achieve a state of enlightenment or oneness with the deity. Followers may explore meditation and contemplation as tools to navigate the complexities of existence and understand the deeper mysteries of the universe.

A religious path centered around Abraxas would delve deeply into the duality inherent in this deity’s nature. It would encourage followers to embrace this duality, understand the consequences of their actions within this context, and strive for balance and enlightenment as they navigate the intricate interplay of opposing forces in the universe.

Actions and Consequences

In a religious path centered around the duality of Abraxas, actions and their consequences are perceived through a unique lens that emphasizes the interplay between creation and destruction, order and chaos, and light and darkness. Here, primordial actions and their repercussions are fundamental aspects of the spiritual journey:

Primordial Actions:

Primordial actions, in the context of this path, are those actions that stem from the core of one’s being, reflecting the intricate balance of Abraxas’s duality. These actions are seen as expressions of the soul’s journey in navigating the complexities of existence. Whether through thoughts, words, or deeds, these actions carry the essence of the individual’s inner harmony or discord.

Creation and Destruction:

Actions aligned with the creative aspect of Abraxas are those that contribute to growth, harmony, and positive transformation. They may involve acts of kindness, compassion, and creativity. These actions are viewed as a manifestation of the divine’s desire for order and beauty in the world. They lead to the expansion of consciousness and the nurturing of the soul.

Conversely, actions aligned with the destructive aspect of Abraxas are those that disrupt, harm, or inhibit growth and harmony. These actions are seen as a reflection of chaos and darkness within the universe. They lead to suffering, stagnation, and the disintegration of the soul’s connection with the divine.

The Ripple Effect:

Followers of this path believe that every action sets in motion a ripple effect that resonates throughout the cosmos. Just as Abraxas embodies the intertwining of opposing forces, each action sends ripples into both the creative and destructive realms. These ripples influence the balance of the universe and the individual’s spiritual journey.

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Consequences and Responsibility:

The consequences of one’s actions are not seen as mere rewards or punishments but as reflections of the cosmic dance between Abraxas’s dualities. When an individual’s actions align with the creative aspect, they contribute to the greater harmony of the universe, leading to positive consequences such as personal growth, enlightenment, and a sense of inner peace.

Conversely, actions that align with the destructive aspect may lead to consequences that reflect the disruption of harmony and balance, potentially resulting in suffering, setbacks, and spiritual obstacles.

Karma and Self-Reflection:

The concept of karma, in this context, extends beyond a simplistic notion of cause and effect. It becomes a deeply spiritual and ethical framework where individuals are encouraged to self-reflect on the nature of their actions and their alignment with Abraxas’s duality.

Followers are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, to recognize and balance their own dualities, and to strive for greater alignment with the creative aspect of Abraxas. This inner work, rooted in self-awareness and self-improvement, is seen as the key to transcending the cycle of karma and evolving spiritually.

Actions and their consequences in a religious path centered around Abraxas’s duality are perceived as integral to the soul’s journey. They are expressions of the cosmic dance between creation and destruction, and followers are called to embrace responsibility, self-reflection, and inner transformation to navigate this intricate interplay of forces and to achieve a balance.

Abraxas Duality and Nature

The duality of Abraxas, as reflected in every living creature, is a profound and intricate concept that embodies the fundamental nature of existence itself. It can be understood through the following elaboration:

The Dual Nature of Abraxas:

Abraxas represents a deity that encompasses both light and darkness, creation and destruction, order and chaos. This dualistic nature is the core essence of Abraxas, and it serves as a symbolic mirror for the dualities inherent in all living creatures.

The Microcosm and the Macrocosm:

In the Abraxasian perspective, every living being is seen as a microcosm, a miniature reflection of the entire universe, or the macrocosm. Within each individual, there exists a constant interplay between opposing forces, much like the dance of Abraxas.

Light and Darkness Within:

Just as Abraxas is neither purely good nor purely evil but a harmonious blend of both, individuals are born with their own inner light and darkness. The light represents virtues, kindness, creativity, and constructive qualities, while the darkness represents flaws, destructive tendencies, and chaos.

The Dance of Balance:

Life is essentially a dance to balance these opposing forces within. The dualities within us are not meant to be eradicated but harmonized. Like Abraxas, we are both creators and destroyers, and this balance is the source of our creative potential and spiritual growth.

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Individual Expression of Duality:

Each person’s life journey becomes an intricate exploration of their personal duality. They may have moments of creation, where they contribute positively to the world, and moments of destruction, where they face challenges, setbacks, or make mistakes. Both are essential for growth.

Embracing Wholeness:

In this worldview, true enlightenment and fulfillment come from embracing one’s complete self, both the light and the darkness. It is about recognizing that the duality within is a source of strength, resilience, and transformation.

Transcending Duality:

Ultimately, the goal of this path is not to eradicate one side of the duality but to transcend it. Through inner work, self-awareness, and spiritual practice, individuals seek to harmonize their inner Abraxas, achieving a state of unity and balance where they become more than the sum of their dualities.

Universal Harmony:

When individuals achieve this balance within themselves, they contribute positively to the greater cosmic harmony, aligning themselves with the creative aspect of Abraxas. Their actions and choices ripple outward, influencing the world in a constructive manner.

In essence, the duality of Abraxas serves as a profound philosophical and spiritual framework for understanding the intricate interplay of opposing forces within every living creature. It encourages individuals to embrace their complete selves, navigate the complexities of existence, and contribute positively to the greater balance and harmony of the universe.

The Importance of Balance

Living a unilateral life, whether predominantly leaning towards the creative or destructive aspect of Abraxas’s duality, carries significant consequences that can deeply impact an individual’s spiritual and personal growth. These consequences reflect the importance of embracing both aspects of Abraxas for a more harmonious and fulfilling existence:

Living Predominantly in the Creative (Light) Aspect:
  1. Unrealized Potential:

One consequence of exclusively embracing the creative aspect is the potential to leave certain aspects of personal growth unexplored. By avoiding the acknowledgement of one’s shadow or darker tendencies, there may be missed opportunities for self-improvement and self-understanding.

  1. Naiveté and Vulnerability:

A life solely focused on the creative aspect may lead to a sense of naiveté or vulnerability when facing the inherent challenges and adversities of existence. Without an understanding of the destructive forces, individuals may struggle to navigate difficult situations effectively.

  1. Overidealization:

An overemphasis on the creative aspect might lead to the unrealistic idealization of oneself and others, making it difficult to accept the imperfections and complexities of life. This can result in frustration, disappointment, and difficulty in forming genuine relationships.

  1. Lack of Resilience:

Without an appreciation for the destructive aspect of Abraxas, individuals may lack the resilience needed to face setbacks, failures, or times of crisis. The ability to bounce back from challenges often requires an understanding of the darker side of existence.

Living Predominantly in the Destructive (Dark) Aspect:
  1. Emotional Turmoil:

An excessive focus on the destructive aspect can lead to emotional turmoil and inner conflict. This may manifest as self-destructive behavior, pessimism, and a persistent sense of negativity, hindering personal happiness and well-being.

  1. Isolation and Alienation:

Those who lean heavily into the destructive aspect may struggle to form meaningful connections with others. Alienation and isolation can result from a consistent projection of negative energy and an inability to relate to the positive aspects of life.

  1. Stagnation:

Overidentification with the destructive forces can lead to a sense of stagnation and hopelessness. Individuals may resist personal growth and positive change, believing that it is futile or impossible.

  1. Spiritual Disconnection:

A unilateral focus on the destructive aspect can lead to a sense of spiritual disconnection or nihilism. Without the balance of creative forces, individuals may struggle to find meaning or purpose in their lives.

Embracing the Balance:

The consequences of living unilaterally, whether in the creative or destructive aspect of Abraxas’s duality, underscore the importance of recognizing and harmonizing both sides. Embracing the balance allows for a more holistic understanding of life’s complexities, greater resilience in the face of challenges, and a deeper sense of personal and spiritual growth. It is in the interplay of these dualities that individuals can find a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, aligning themselves with the essence of Abraxas.

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The meaning of “Abraxas is good but when he is bad, he is truly terrible”

The legend “Abraxas is good but when he is bad, he is truly terrible” encapsulates the profound duality inherent in the concept of Abraxas. To understand the intricacies of this statement, it’s essential to delve into the contrasting aspects of Abraxas and their implications:

Abraxas as a Symbol of Unity:

In one sense, Abraxas represents the unity and totality of existence. This aspect of Abraxas is “good” because it embodies the holistic nature of the universe, acknowledging that both light and darkness, creation and destruction, coexist in harmony. It signifies a holistic view of life where everything has its place and purpose.

Abraxas as a Symbol of Chaos:

On the other hand, Abraxas also symbolizes the chaotic and unpredictable nature of existence. This aspect of Abraxas is “bad” because it represents the potential for chaos, suffering, and destruction. It signifies the darker, more turbulent aspects of life that challenge order and stability.

Now, let’s explore the intricacies of this statement:

Duality and Balance:

The statement underscores the importance of balance. Abraxas is both good and bad, light and dark, and it’s the equilibrium between these opposing forces that maintains the cosmic order. When one aspect of Abraxas dominates, it disrupts this balance, leading to either excessive positivity or negativity.

The Power of Extremes:

The statement suggests that when Abraxas leans toward one extreme, it becomes “truly terrible.” This underscores the potential dangers of embracing either extreme in life. Excessive positivity can lead to naiveté and idealization, while excessive negativity can result in despair and nihilism.

A Warning Against Imbalance:

It serves as a warning against unbridled idealism or pessimism. It implies that when one becomes too entrenched in a singular perspective, they lose sight of the holistic truth of existence. Embracing only the “good” or “bad” aspects of life can lead to a skewed perception and an inability to adapt to the complexities of reality.

Acceptance of Complexity:

Ultimately, the statement encourages acceptance of the complexity of existence. Life is not merely good or bad; it’s a tapestry woven from contrasting threads. Embracing this complexity allows individuals to navigate the challenges and joys of life with greater wisdom and resilience.

The Divine Mystery:

It acknowledges the inherent mystery of the divine and the universe. Abraxas embodies this mystery, challenging individuals to explore the enigmatic nature of existence. The “terrible” aspect of Abraxas may be seen as a reminder that there are aspects of existence that remain beyond human comprehension.

In conclusion, the legend “Abraxas is good but when he is bad, he is truly terrible” encapsulates the profound duality of Abraxas and the importance of maintaining balance in life. It urges individuals to embrace the complexity of existence, recognize the potential dangers of extremes, and navigate the enigmatic nature of the universe with humility and understanding.

Abraxas religious path and other religions

The idea that current religions may sometimes contradict human nature when following a unilateral path while Abraxas duality offers an alternative perspective more in line with our inherent complexities can be explored through several reasons and elaborations:

  1. Human Nature is Multifaceted:

 Human nature is inherently multifaceted, encompassing both positive and negative traits, light and dark emotions, and a range of experiences. Unilateral religious paths often focus on idealized virtues and strictly defined moral codes, which can lead to feelings of guilt, repression, or inadequacy when individuals inevitably grapple with their inherent complexities.

  1. Embracing All Aspects of Self:

Abraxas duality recognizes that humans are not purely good or purely bad but a blend of both. It encourages individuals to embrace all aspects of themselves, acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses, and finding a harmonious balance between them. This self-acceptance can lead to greater mental and emotional well-being.

  1. The Struggle with Sin and Guilt:

Many current religions emphasize the concept of sin and the need for redemption. While this can provide a framework for moral behavior, it can also create a burden of guilt and fear of punishment. Abraxas duality, on the other hand, views the interplay of light and dark as a natural part of life, allowing for a more forgiving and compassionate approach to one’s imperfections.

  1. Freedom of Exploration:

Unilateral paths often dictate a rigid set of beliefs and practices, leaving little room for personal exploration and spiritual growth. In contrast, Abraxas duality encourages individuals to explore the complexities of existence, adapt to change, and evolve spiritually, fostering a sense of freedom and self-discovery.

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  1. The Complex Realities of Life:

Life is inherently complex, filled with both moments of joy and sorrow, success and failure. Unilateral religious paths may struggle to provide adequate guidance and support in navigating these complexities, while Abraxas duality acknowledges that life’s dualities are part of the human experience, helping individuals find meaning and resilience in the face of adversity.

  1. Acceptance of Others:

The acceptance of diversity in human nature and beliefs can be a challenge in unilateral religions, leading to judgment and exclusion of those who do not conform to the established norms. Abraxas duality promotes a more inclusive perspective, where individuals are encouraged to respect and understand the diversity of human experiences and beliefs.

  1. The Pursuit of Balance:

Human well-being often depends on finding a balance between opposing forces, whether in one’s inner world or in external circumstances. Abraxas duality aligns with the idea that balance and harmony are essential for human flourishing, emphasizing the importance of embracing both light and darkness in the journey of life.

While current religions provide valuable guidance and moral frameworks, they may sometimes struggle to align with the multifaceted nature of human beings. Abraxas duality offers an alternative perspective that acknowledges and embraces the complexities of human nature, providing a more flexible, forgiving, and holistic approach to spirituality and personal growth. It encourages individuals to find balance, self-acceptance, and a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between opposing forces within themselves and the world around them.

There is Light and Darkness within each of us therefore if we were created in the image of a God that God is Abraxas